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How does ability reduce the attrition of hose cable?

Views: 16     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-01-10      Origin: Site

According to incomplete statistics, the total consumption of rubber in China in 2016 has reached 13 million tons, improving the wear resistance and service life of rubber products, which can bring considerable economic and social benefits in energy conservation, materials, lubricants and other aspects.

The wear resistance of rubber is characterized by the ability of vulcanized rubber to resist friction and cause material loss due to surface damage.Wear resistance is a mechanical property closely related to the service life of rubber products.Wear resistance includes rolling wear, fatigue wear, wear and tear, impact wear, etc.

The following are two abrasion principles:

1, wear and abrasion: friction on the surface of the rough rough rough cutting, rubbing, resulting in the rubber surface contact point is cut, torn into small particles, from the rubber surface off, the formation of abrasion.The abrasion strength is directly proportional to the pressure and inversely proportional to the tensile strength.

2, fatigue wear: rubber and friction surface contact vulcanized surface, in the process of repeated contact by periodic compression, shear, tensile deformation, so that the rubber surface fatigue, and gradually produce micro cracks, the development of these cracks caused by the material surface microspalling.The fatigue wear increases with the increase of elastic modulus and pressure, and increases with the decrease of tensile strength and the deterioration of fatigue performance.

It can be seen from the analysis of two abrasion principles that the rubber tube protective sleeve can effectively isolate the abrasion caused by the contact between the outside world and the rubber surface, so as to achieve the effect of anti-abrasion.

The key words of this article are:rubber hose, rubber tube protective sleeve





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